Sunday, February 27, 2011

Infecting the city.

Early Friday morning, 24 jewellery students wondered down to the Adderly Street Train Station to view "Infecting The City" – Africa’s only public arts festival.

I suspect the point of this festival is mainly on performance artists that do their demonstrations during time allocations - sadly we were not there during those times. We wondered through the space observing 'wastage' that had been used to create "art". I must say some of the depictions were rather interesting but some I battled to understand what the artists were trying to say. 

I would like to go back and view the festival at a time when there is more hustle and bustle in order to feel the real "vibe" that I’m sure "infecting the city" has to offer.
If I were apart of the show; As a student studying jewellery design I think I would like to do a depiction of wastage being turned into something of  value, a sort of "transmutation?". The notion of 'alchemy'  has always been something that's inspired me. In the case of "infecting the city" I would try and depict some of the waste in a way that changed it's prior meaning into something of 'worth'. I dont know how I would do this, some serious thought and time would have to go into this. Maybe by creating ornate jewellery out of old cans? Hmmm the possibilities are endless.

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