Saturday, April 16, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Ashleigh, There is some confussion with balance,weight and dominance. The last image you've used for composition is an excellent example of how these three principles have been used. The composition is balanced because of the weighing of tones and weighing of contrasts of detail and space. There is also a contrast and weighing of completed/worked on areas and 'incomplete' untouched bits of canvas. Assymmetry is not necessarily unbalanced. Also in the 'catherine' wheel image, the picture strikes me as being very symmetrical and balanced because the uncaptured lines are filled in by the principle of closure.
    With The card playing dogs, the focal point does seem to hover by the lighting, but isn't it really the dog in the fore ground sneeking a card to the mate on the left?
    The example of the chair with the floppy seat, I think the contrast is very much in the expectation that a chair is meant to support, and a plane( the Floppy seat) which appears to be limp and soft, falls short of this...even though is probably made of something very firm and substantial!
    Some excellent images.
